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How to Buy Real Estate in Roatan

Purchasing Property in Roatan

Roatan operates an MLS (multiple listing service), which is incredibly helpful for all potential buyers. Through our coordinated real estate system, you can search for your ideal property all in one location. Roatan’s use of an MLS is unique in the region, but we all know we work better together to help you find your dream home.

Once you find that dream home through the Roatan MLS, the purchasing process is easy.

Purchasing property in Roatan as a foreigner is entirely possible and very common. You can purchase up to nearly 0.75 acres in a single purchase as a foreigner.

Should you decide to purchase a larger plot or if you’d like to invest in more than one property, you can do so through creating a Honduran corporation. Using a Honduran attorney is required for this process, but it’s straightforward and I am happy to make recommendations based on your individual needs.

Financing is different than you may be used to back home, so feel free to ask me any questions before or during the process.

Generally speaking, Roatan banks don’t usually make loans to non-residents, and North American banks don’t usually make loans on foreign properties. Many buyers take a second mortgage back home, or buy a property in full in Roatan after the sale of property back home.

Only you can know your financial situation, but I am more than happy to advise based on common practices in Roatan. Feel free to contact me any time.

My Recommendations and Advice

Peruse the Roatan MLS via the link on my site to get an idea of your price range and wish list. Contact me whenever you’re ready so we can go through your specific circumstances to determine your ideal purchasing process.

In terms of residency, Canadians and Americans are allowed to visit Honduras on a tourist visa for up to 90 days at a time. If you want to invest in a vacation property or in a snowbird home, you won’t require Honduran residency. If you want to move to Roatan permanently, I recommend you apply for residency right away.

If you want to run a business in Roatan, purchasing an already operating business will allow you to continue operations while processing your final paperwork. Opening a new business requires a longer wait time, which could still be beneficial as you set up and prepare to open your doors to the public.

Take special consideration toward your estate planning. Keep in mind that you may be living in a different country from your relatives and heirs, so a clear understanding of next steps is incredibly important.

If you have questions about any specifics within the purchasing process – from finances to legalities to my personal insights on life in Roatan – feel free to contact me.

Roatan Property Expert

  • Realtor Active Member

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